The company Chemnaft is a producer of lubricating oils dedicated to the automotive, agricultural and industrial sectors.

Our main goal is the highest possible QUALITY of the final product at an optimal and competitive price level.

In order to obtain a high-quality final product – oil bases purchased from renowned European refineries and additives (responsible for product quality standards) from global chemical concerns: Afton, Infineum and Chevron-Oronite

Selection of ingredients used in the composition of oils – requires specialized research in accordance with international standards and requirements set by global manufacturers of both machines and vehicles.

Qualitium – is a brand of the Chemnaft Company – top-class products, dedicated to customers in the passenger and truck motorization sector as well as equipment used in modern agriculture.

The Chemnaft line – is intended mainly for industry and older type of agricultural equipment.

Our main trade partners in the country are the largest oil and automotive wholesalers, which then sell products to the end customer. Chemnaft is gradually expanding its sales activities not only in the country, but also abroad, entering the European Union and Eastern Europe markets.